Current Conversations
Each month, "Current Conversations" explores a different service Gloucester County, Virginia's Government provides its residents and visitors. We are glad you're here!
Current Conversations
Season 4, Episode 5: The Zoning Ordinance Impacts Everyone in Gloucester
Many of you received a letter in the mail last week from our Planning & Zoning Department regarding a Zoning Ordinance update that will go before the Gloucester Planning Commission next Thursday, July 11. No rezoning of property is proposed with the Zoning Ordinance update; your current zoning district will not change under the proposed ordinance.
The proposed update, in general, will allow more flexibility for property owners in all districts (agriculture, residential, and commercial) to use their land. To find out what your property is zoned visit https://gloucestergis.timmons.com/#/mwl. Once you know your zone you can visit https://gloucesterva.gov/planning-zoning/zoning-ordinance-update to learn more about the process and review the draft regulations for your district. The district regulations are located in article 5 of the Zoning Ordinance.
The Planning Commission will welcome public comment on July 11! We encourage those interested to view the Planning Commission’s July 11th meeting to learn more about the changes. You can view the Planning Commissions public hearing online at https://pub-gloucesterva.escribemeetings.com/.